6 Ways to Decorate with Dollar Store Candles – Cheap DIY Decoration

Having a party this summer? Or just looking for a way to add a little visual interest to your bookcase or tabletop? This DIY is super simple and ready to be completed at a moment’s notice. Perfect for your summer BBQ, birthday party or DIY wedding. Enjoy!

What you need: Some dollar store white candles. Get a whole bunch of em. Different sizes & shapes. There really is no right or wrong here. Then go crazy with the accents. I gathered up all sorts of goodies from around the house and played around.

This DIY is perfect for parties of all shapes and sizes :). You don’t have to spend a bundle to have great party decorations, you just have to be creative. All of what I used was laying around the house in closets and cupboards, so go dig around for a while. Off we go!

Some burlap and twine for a rustic feeling. Just cut off strips of the burlap and fray the edges. Then wrap around the candles and secure with the twine. Perfect for the country/rustic feel that is so popular with weddings right now.

pretty romantic, right?

then some kitting yarn. This one is multi-colored and I think will be perfect around fall time.

Just wrap the yarn around a bazillion times and tuck the end underneath. You could go crazy and basically cover the candle or let quite a bit show through. This decoration I would monitor while burning. Really looks warm and cozy lit or not.

This was left over crystal bead garland from an old holiday craft that never happened. Funny what you have tucked away in the crevices of your home.

Just wrap around and in between and you’re good to go. Really couldn’t get much simpler than that. I picked up the garland from Save On Crafts. Have you visited them yet? You really should. Go Now, you won’t be disappointed… actually wait till you are done here. Then go. k?

This version is very colorful and peppy. Perfect for a child’s birthday. Just pick up a spool of the present ribbon…. yes I called it present ribbon… I am blanking on it’s official name.

wrap, trim, tuck and repeat. For the center one I cut off a length of the pink and the turquoise and held them together as I wrapped. Add some ribbon curls and your table decor mission is complete.

for this version I had some faux leather and string. This would work with any type of fabric. The faux leather gives is a rustic/natural feel. Perfect for a garden party or western wedding.

I guess it kind of looks like kraft paper. So you could use that as well. Just cut off a strip, crumple a bit and secure with a length of string.

Last one. I had some leftover pom-poms from my pom pom necklace tutorial. All I did here was set the candles in place and wrap the pom poms around and in between. Just like the crystal bead garland.