Anthropologie Inspired Picture Frame – DIY Decoration

This weekend I went on my bi-weekly expeditions to Anthropologie to get inspired and see if there was anything I couldn’t live without. Of course, I can’t possibly live without having absolutely everything in the entire store in my possession. But sadly until I win the lottery or anthro so graciously decides to donate the entire collection to moi… I will have to do without…Boo!
But don’t worry, I make do. Yes! Anthropologie always gets my creative juices flowing. When I got home still needing an anthro fix I said to myself ‘There has to be something I can make!’. And make I did 🙂 Enjoy!

What you will need: Alright, it is time to raid your and your child’s jewelry junk drawer. Just grab a bid ol handful of that tangled mess. You will also need a picture frame (I have a stash laying around from one of my many trips to the Dollar Store), wire cutters and a hot glue gun with plenty of backup sticks.

Start by unraveling the jewelry and snipping it apart. Plan out where you want to place certain pieces. I used boring chain pieces on the bottom and saved my prettier pieces to lay on top. Use generous amounts of hot glue to secure the pieces in place.

Make it interesting by having parts dangle and by using different styles of jewelry, don’t just stick to gold or silver.

Wha-La! That is it! Just use lots of glue and keep adding to the frame until you get the perfect eclectic amount. Here is how mine turned out.

Now I just have to decide on what picture to put in it. Oh, decisions. Hope you had a great weekend. We here in SoCal are having great weather so the avocado princess and I will be out bug and lizard hunting.