DIY Spooky Halloween Hallway – Decoration Ideas

All you need is some Halloween spider webbing and a pack of spider silhouettes (found @ the Dollar Tree), to create this spooky hallway.

Some quick tips:

* If you have very textured walls you can just secure the webbing to that, otherwise you will need some double stick tape or tacks. My walls were covered in nails (from an empty picture frame display), so I just used those.

* Spread the webbing as thin as possible. It looks more realistic that way.

*Locate the webbing just above head height. Walking into a spider’s web (real or fake) is no Bueno! Fake webs will still make you do the crazy get-this-web-off-my-face-NOW dance, just the same as real webs.

*You can simply lay the spiders on the spread-out webbing.

* Hang a few spiders. I used a clear fishing line and some black duct tape.

This spider web hallway looks super spooky from a child’s perspective! Perfect for our Halloween party this Saturday.  We are psyched, and I have lots more to share!