Rolled Flower Head Band – Easy DIY Accessories

Rolled flowers have quickly become one of my favorite crafts! I see them used absolutely everywhere and they are so very simple to make! Fabric scraps & hot glue is basically all you need! I have seen them used on everything from clothing, to pillows, to lampshades to jewelry to art.

The following is a basic tutorial of how to make rolled flowers. At the end on a whim I added them to some twine to make a headband. Here we go!

You will need fabric that can be cut into strips, hot glue gun and scissors

Cut (or I prefer to snip & tear because I like the frayed edges) the fabric in to 2-3″ width by approximately 24″ length strips. Shorter strips make smaller flowers and longer strips make bigger flowers :). I used some leftover ticking fabric but old t-shirts work absolutely fabulous for this project!

Here is a torn strip of ticking fabric, don’t you just love ticking?!

fold the strip in half

roll the end into a little ball and add a dab of hot glue to hold in place

while keeping the fabric folded, twist the fabric and wrap around the center. Add dabs of glue to hold the twisted fabric in place. I twisted away from the center (clock wise direction).

it should start looking like a flower. Keep twisting and dabbing with glue

until you reach the desired fullness. Leave a tag of fabric at the end. This will be flipped to cover the back of the flower

cover the back with glue

and press down the extra fabric

trim off the excess

the back should be similar to this

flip it over and there you go! Each one you make will be unique, just like real flowers…. ahhhh 🙂

Also, different types of fabric with give you different flowers as well.

I rolled two more little accent flowers and snipped of some twine for a headband. I measured around my head and left a generous amount so I can tie it comfortably. I prefer the double thickness of the twine and I can knot the ends for added effect. I also add a vintage pearl pin to the center of my large flower.

Add a strip of glue across the backs of the flowers and press the twine into the glue. Careful not to burn your fingers! Ouchie!

And there you go! What a masterpiece! Just kidding, but it is much more individual (and not to mention cheaper) than anything you can find out in the big box stores!

Because I am 9 1/2 months preggo right now I abstain from a full body shot 🙂 Sorry if you are looking for a belly pic but mama is feeling a bit like a awhaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllle… like my whale voice ;)… Dori Dori Dori, oh how sad I get my jokes from ‘Finding Nemo’.